Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today, we are 2 years old together!!

Dear Zach,

I was running around ideas in my head on what to do for our anniversary. Yes, it's been two years since our little girl was conceived. I'm sure we're not the only ones that celebrate the conception date as an anniversary :). Well, I decided what better to look back at the past two years. I must say we have a bazillion photos documenting every little moment together. I picked out the ones of us together and when little Miss O popped into our lives. She has always been the peanut butter in our little PB&J sandwich. I always think that in a weird way she choose us. She wanted us to be her parents. There's something about our union that spawns life and beauty! When we took a little trip to the Botanical Gardens on our first date, I just knew... I knew we would be great together. I was smitten like a little kitten. heheh. Your intelligence and good looks kept my attention. Your genuine kindness and compassion for others astonished me and still does! I always refer you to as my "Dalai Lama boyfriend" with friends. The amount of love you give with no judgements is definitely one of your best attributes. People feel so comfortable around you because your just super chill and a great listener. You are always willing to participate as well as give life to any conversation with your hilarious humor. I always thought you were pretty shy when we first met but really you are very selective with the people you like to open up with. I feel very privilege to be one of those people. Everyday and almost every moment you are smiling and when your not smiling you still are every bit relaxed and forgiving. You are absolutely amazing at fatherhood. You are that kind of father who loves to be there every minute with his daughter. I love that! She runs to you as soon as she sees you. The brighten between the both of you just wipes out any darkness that might be looming. I love you and I love us!! Thanks for putting in your best at everything you do. I look forward to the years ahead but for right now at this moment we, together, are 2 years old and in a kids life we are just about to start talking. so I say "Hi!" "I love you, Zach!"

                                                                                                                                        With all my love,

Neighbors in 2003
First Date
Pregnant (baby shower)

Birth of Olivia
 Mama/ Dada beach break
Our little familia 
 3 months
 Mustache Pot Luck
5 months 
 8 months
 Carousel rides
9 months
 Our visit to the mountains
Hiking around
 Olivia's first Birthday

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